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380-480 VAC INPUT


RUGGED, BULK POWER Technology Dynamics Inc. introduces two series of ruggedized power supplies rated at 1500 W and 3000 W, intended for 440 VAC single phase 50/60Hz input. The NTAE-HV Series is equipped with Active Power Factor Correction and Programmability capabilities which allow remote adjustment of the output voltage and current from zero to full value by RS-232. The NTAE-HV units can be used as laboratory programmable power supplies or bulk power supplies for testing...



RUGGED, DC AIRCRAFT POWER TO 1000 WATTS Technology Dynamics Inc responding to an ever increasing demand for 270 VDC for use in industrial and military applications, introduces the HVDC Series of DC-DC Converters in a compact size of 2.6” H x 5.00” W x 10.00” H. This unit weighs 4 lbs. and can be mounted as a standalone unit or rack mount product. It can be optionally ruggedized to meet harsh military environmental specifications found...

High Speed Fire & Rescue/Patrol Boats

When the builders of High Speed Fire & Rescue/Patrol Boats needed a Marine Grade High Reliability power supply, they contacted Technology Dynamics Inc. Our product line of Rugged AC-DC Power Supplies are ideal for Marine applications such as the Firestorm High Speed Fire & Rescue boat. Heavy Conformal Coating & Ruggedization make them ideal for all marine internal vessel applications. When you need to worry about saving lives it’s good to know you don’t have to worry about...

Raytheon chose Technology Dynamics Inc. to supply rugged DC-UPS Systems

Raytheon chose Technology Dynamics Inc. to supply rugged DC-UPS Systems to reliably back up critical systems on the E-4B Aircraft. The E-4B is an aircraft operated by the United States Air Force and is specially built to serve as a survivable mobile command post for the National Command Authority, including the President of the United States, the Secretary of Defense and successors. Technology Dynamics Inc. supplies various types of DC-UPS Systems to all branches of the Military including High Shock resistant...


HAARP is a scientific endeavor aimed at studying the properties and behavior of the ionosphere, with particular emphasis on being able to understand and use it to enhance communications and surveillance systems for both civilian and defense purposes. Technology Dynamics Inc. AC-DC Switching Power Supplies are an integral part of the motor drives for the highly accurate alignment of the array equipment. Designed for severe environment the Switching Power Supplies in use must be reliable and operate 24/7 with “No Down Time”....

Light Armored Vehicle-Command and Control (LAV-C2)

The Light Armored Vehicle-Command and Control (LAV-C2) is a command post. It entered service with the US Marine Corps in the mid-1980s. Marines operate over 50 of these vehicles. The LAV-C2 is an all-terrain, all-weather mobile command center with night capabilities. Vehicle is fitted with communication stations and gives a commander the capability to command, control and communicate (C3) the activities of his forces under full armor protection. This mobile command and communication vehicle provides field commanders with all necessary resources to...

CVN(X) nuclear-powered super aircraft carrier program

DRS Technologies, Inc. relied on Technology Dynamics Inc. to provide Hot Swap Redundant Power  providing primary and back-up power for electronics and control equipment for the U.S. Navy next generation CVN(X) nuclear-powered super aircraft carrier program. The CVN Carriers are designed to upgrade and replace the Nimitz Class Carrier in operation since 1975 These power supplies highlight our key role in providing Power Conversion equipment  that is critical to the operation of U.S. Navy ships. These products are vital supporting...

COMARK Communications

COMARK Communications is a highly specialized company with more than 40 years of continuous manufacture and experience in the field of high power RF Technology. The company has traditionally been in the design and development of solid state and tube type high power broadcasting transmitters, systems and components. Many years ago Comark sought Technology Dynamics Inc. to design a High Power 28 Volt Hot Swap Redundant Power Supply System for use in their premier line of Transmitters. We answered the...

U.S. Army’s new EQ-36 Radar

Technology Dynamics Inc. and its division Nova Electric provides power to Lockheed’s Enhanced AN/TPQ-36 Counter-Fire Target Acquisition (EQ-36) Radar via an assortment of Power Supplies, Frequency Converters and Transformers. The U.S. Army’s new EQ-36 Radar will provide the capability to detect, classify, track and determine the location of the enemy’s indirect fire such as mortars, artillery and rockets in either 90-degree or 360 degree modes. The EQ-36 systems will be replacing the aging TPQ-36 and TPQ-37 medium-range radars. The High Power COTS Rack...

High reliability power sources for NATO forces

Developed specifically for Ground Mobile Military applications, Technology Dynamics Inc. was tasked to develop a High Reliability 28VDC 1500Watt Rugged portable power source. Robust in design standing up to the challenge of front line usage, this unit is currently in use by NATO forces internationally. Technology Dynamics Inc. Rugged, Lightweight design and portable enclosure, coupled with proven reliability, make this unit ideal for any Harsh Environment Portable Power Military applications. These units are especially designed for use in ground vehicles,...